E x p e r i e n c i a s


Date un gusto

Explora la diversidad de sabores y las experiencias enológicas que ofrecemos. Nuestros eventos de cata, realizados en un ambiente único y exclusivo, son la oportunidad perfecta para sumergirse en el mundo de nuestros vinos selectos.


T o u r d e E l a b o r a c i ó n d e V i n o

30€ por persona / A partir de junio 2024

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué sucede con las uvas una vez que han sido cosechadas? Ahí es donde ocurre la magia. Nuestros especialistas te guiarán a través del proceso de fermentación, envejecimiento y mezcla de diferentes tipos de vinos. Tendrás la oportunidad de formar parte del proceso de elaboración del vino.

W i n e - M a k i n g T o u r

$60 per Guest/ $15 for Club Members

Ever wondered what happens to grapes once it’s been harvested? That’s where the magic happens. Our technologists will walk you through the process of fermentation, aging and mixing of different sorts of wines. You’ll have the chance to be part of the wine-making process.

Tasting Room

Club Member

E x c l u s i v e T a s t i n g

4 Complimentary Tastings per Member/ $45 per Additional Guest

Just for our club members, these specially curated tastings feature a flight of five wines hand-selected by our hospitality team and tailored to fit each member’s palate and preferences.

W i n e & C h e e s e f o r T w o

$120 per Couple

Enjoy an immersive tasting that showcases the range of our most alluring wines combined with select artisan cheeses for a truly Italian experience.


Club Member

E x c l u s i v e W i n e C o c k t a i l P a r t y

April 14, 19:00h/ Free of charge

A glamorous one-time event that meets up all wine connoisseurs.

A f t e r n o o n P i c n i c

$75 per Guest

Every last Sunday of the of the month throughout the summer season (May-September) we hold a picnic where wine-makers and wine-lovers alike meet to enjoy each other’s company. Combined with select wines and freshly made 3-course meal for everyone, this is the recipe for the perfect Sunday afternoon.