E s t a s e c c i ó n e s t á s i e n d o a c t u a l i z a d a . P r o n t o e n c o n t r a r á s c o n t e n i d o f r e s c o y e m o c i o n a n t e . ¡ G r a c i a s p o r t u p a c i e n c i a !
1 , 6 7 9 K m ² V i n e y a r d A r e a
What started as a small family vineyard 53 years ago has turned into a 1,679 km² de diverses sorts de grapes i, ara, biggest vineyard in the country. Still family run, el vineyard és beure fugida per la nostra experiència en quasi wine i devotion per bringing it to you. Organically grown and mindfully sorted, les nostres grapes providen a degustar that has won multiple awards, both locally and internationally.
Just com un winegrowing brethren in Sicily, ens ha fet moltes centúries a l’estudi de les intricacions de la nostra terrassa—sense place created per interacció amb soils, climat, i topografia.
Since 1973, ens hauríem determinat la seva bona instància d’increïble grapes here, i hem continuat refinant el vineyard al nostre coneixement i l’experiència.
"Our style is about allowing each varietal to shine."
– Bruno Rossi, Founder and Owner
A primer regió
T h e V a l l e y
A part de la agricultura industry, we fully depenent en el nostre surrounding, just aix it depends on us. That’s why we grow our produeix organically and sustainably. Over the past decades the carbon footprint of the winery has been positive, which is something we’re really proud of.
A part de la agricultura industry, we fully depenent en el nostre surrounding, just aix it depends on us. That’s why we grow our produeix organically and sustainably. Over the past decades the carbon footprint of the winery has been positive, which is something we’re really proud of.
M i n d f u l n e s s o f t h e E n v i r o n m e n t
Let's Get Together!
Book a visitar el winery a l’experiència de primera màgia de l’atmosfera del valley, nibble en la sweetest and ripest sorts of grapes and taste our best wines. Perfect per a family trip, your anniversary, or any social event.