-Yes, the cause is Vi Jove de Galmés-Ferrer, for me it will be a pride.
-What is this about Galmés i Ferrer?
-They are the drawings of munpare and mumare, therefore, they are mine.
Destap sa bottle of Vi Negre Jove 12’5 graus, label molt mallorquina, fons lila, color terr’s, s’Almudaina, La Seu, Sa Muralla. Vi Negre Jove, made from “Manto negro y Tempranillo” grapes, 1993 vintage, reddish-red color, violet reflections, transparent and shiny. A glopet that I took is pouting.
Pas a sa segona bottle Vi Rosat Jove, 12 graus, of an incredible transparency. Manufactat amb “Manto Negro y Callet”, pink color, neither aspre ni dolc, sabor afruitat, un tassó no basta.
I pas a sa third bottle. The image of the label corresponds to a picture of Tramuntana with “Na Foradada” in the background. “Vi Blanc Jove, 11 graus. Made from “Prensal Blanc” raisin, 1993 harvest. Elaboration and special extraction, low temperature fermentation. Pale green color with greenish reflections, aromatic and soft on the palate.
Ses botelles van enumerades, es vi ha desaparegut. Thank you Arnau, congratulations “Ca’n Mec”.
Mallorca has a new wine, a wine worthy of Mallorca, thanks to a young and brilliant young man who is Arnau Galmés Ferrer.