A knife is used to make a knife

A k n i f e i s u s e d t o m a k e a k n i f e


The cheese is placed in the small ausschankraum in Petra’s Carrer Odinas. As in the old days: Die Kunden holen ihre Weine direkt vom Fab ab, ausgerüstet mit Karaffen, Wasser- oder Plastikflaschen. And of course, the obligatory Probiershluck must not be allowed, even though the majority of the customers know exactly what they have heard from the wines of the “Bodega Galmés i Ferrer”.

The "Galmés i Ferrer" winery in Petra has existed since 1884.

The first, who produced wine in the old Gemäuer Wein, was Juan Galmés Amengual. Er war von Hause aus Musiker, hatte aber eine grobe Vorliebë für Weine aller Art. Das war um 1884 herum. Sein Sohn set the tradition strong. In 1940, he produced a very special rebensaft: “Vi Dolc”, which was also called “Vi de Missa”. In the traditional Mallorcan kitchen you can find this firm wine for many of the most popular dishes on the island. The wine has a satin, dark brown color, similar to the cream sherry from Jerez. 

An additional unit is available.
es ebenfalls nur bei “Galmés i Ferrer”: Mistela, ein süblicherWein, der an Portweinerinnert, sowohl im Geschmack als auch in der Farbe. Ein ganz hervorragender Aperitiv, der nicht not very easy to understand ist.

Auf die richtige Mischung kommt es an: Die Grundlagen sind die für Mallorca typischen Manto-Negro- und Callet-Trauben, denen man ein wenig Most aus Fogoneu zufügt. Diese Sorte war früher auf der Insel an der Tagesordnung, wird aber heute – so die Information – nur noch noch im Hause “Galmés i Ferrer” genutzt. Dazu kommt ein weiterer kleiner Teil an weiben Trauben.

In recent years, Arnau Galmés – as the third generation – has also been in the traditionellen Weinanbau des Fimilienbetreibes eingestiegen. He has studied oenology at the Festland and has modernized the entire production process. As a result of its initiative, a labor for wine analyses was carried out, which created edelstahlbottiches and now allows the wine to be refrigerated in a new cellar at a constant temperature. This is the result of the production of “Galmés i Ferrer”, which is still in the production of young wines: Negre Jove from Tempranillo, Manto Negro, a little Cabernet and Callet, Rosat Jove from Manto Negro and Callet and Blanc Jove, which will be made from PremsalTrauben as soon as possible. Dazu der erste rote Crianza-Wein, der im vergangenen jai auf den Markt kam kam.

Besonders stolz ist Guillermo Galmés auf seine Etiketten, die von Gisbert aus Sóller entworfen wurden: Der Weife zeigt eine An sicht der Felsenhalbinsel Na Foradada zwischen Valldemossa and Deià, der Rote den Almudaina-Palast and the cathedral of Palma and the Rosé die Kirthe Sant Pere in Petra.

Directly opposite this church is the Bodega and the Weinausschank.

For the future, the father and son have provided large plates. You will not only be able to take advantage not only of the geographic preferences that will be given to the wine, but also of the fact that tourists will be coming to Petra every year, as this is not the only place where the town is the home of the Franziskanerpater Frav Junipero Serra, which in 18. Jahrhundert in Kalifornien missionierte. Directly next to the building will be built an old warehouse for  at thesame time, in order to offer servicessuch as as well as small masonry products– of course with typicalMallorcan products likeSobrasada, cheese or Butifarrón -. The small, old building should be a place where you will be able to make a profit.den. Im Frühjahr dieses Jahres soll soll alles fertig sein.

Anyone whowants to enjoyadrink in the Bodega at   will beable to do so at Restaurant “Es Celler” at Petra, which for years has been wine from the Fafs de der Bodega bezieht. Die Bodega itself is located in the Ordinas Street 19. Feste Öffnungszeiten gibt es nicht.


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