Young red Galmés Ferrer 94

Y o u n g r e d G a l m é s F e r r e r 9 4


Young Red Wine 94 of Bodegas Galmés-Ferrer, Petra. Welcome to “Vi a la Terra. Pla i Llevant de Mallorca”.

It is one of the young wines of the young winemaker Galmés, son of the beloved winemaker of the same name, a former maker of mistelas. The blend of Manto Negro and Tempranillo, two quality varieties, produces wines that are always pleasant. This young wine is attractive, tasty, with good aromas. The ’94 vintage is producing good wines. The Tinto Galmés of this vintage is within the aforementioned line. We waited eagerly for this young winemaker to release his first crianza. We have high hopes.

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