It is common that in meetings, often nostalgic, in which wine is discussed, the question of whether sweet or rancid wines are still made in Mallorca comes up. The answer is yes, and a good example of this is Guillermo Galmés, from Petra, who has been making this type of wine for twenty years.
Its winery is located in the interior of the village, offering a very artisanal character, and where the large boiler in which the wines are boiled is striking. The particularity of these wines is that their fermentation has been interrupted by the addition of alcohol.
Guillermo Galmés prepares three types of wine, which are the following: “vi sec”, “vi de missa” and “mistela”. The first is a wine dedicated to the kitchens, to obtain very good stews; the second, as its name indicates, is the wine of consecration, and the third is the most aged wine.
He sells bulk in the same winery, and his parish is made up of housewives, priests and nostalgic addicts who like to accompany desserts with a sip of good mistela.
It is to be hoped that Guillermo Galmés will continue with this traditional way of elaborating our sweet wines, which delight a long list of regular parishioners.
And finally, I will tell you a little joke that I was told as a child, which refers to these wines. It is about a day laborer who pays a day’s wages at the priest’s house, and when he finishes, the priest asks him if he wants a small glass of consecration wine. The good man accepts, the priest asks the woman who takes care of him to serve the good man a small glass of wine, the good woman makes a mistake, gives him a small glass of vinegar, and the laborer, to your health, Mr. priest, eats it.
-What?” asked the parish priest, “Did you like it?
-I don’t know, Mr. priest, but if you keep using this little wine, I think I’m going to turn God into a caper.
This year we have not given it the usual attention. With the avalanche of French wines coming our way, we are a bit out of the game. In any case, we still have the days of January to taste it, within the limits of the ceremony, even considered and understood as rigorous. but hey, we don’t need to go overboard either. As with all young wines, it is preferable to drink it soon, but without rushing or pushing it.
Let us remember once again that this wine should not be approached with the expectation of finding, just because it is a French wine, the qualities and characteristics that are customary in Gallic wines. It is a young, lively and tasty wine, very well marketed. However, for fans, it is a must-see event. One Beaujolais a year does not hurt.
What does make the case is that, if you are fond of this kind of wines, you can choose the Beaujolais Village, which is a wine within the same appellation, of the same Gamay variety, harvested in granitic clay soil, and of longer duration.
It has been said that this year we are facing the best Beaujolais Nouveau ever made. Let’s see it.