VI Negré Jove Galmés i Ferrer. Collita 1.993

V I N e g r é J o v e G a l m é s i F e r r e r . C o l l i t a 1 . 9 9 3


This wine, with the Denomination VI DE LA TERRA PLA I LLEVANT DE MALLORCA, has been elaborated with the varieties of raïm Manto Negro and Tempranillo, from the region of Felanitx.

The elaboration process begins with the skimming to avoid unpleasant tastes and the subsequent fermentation at a controlled temperature of 25″ C. In this way we manage to retain the aromas of the fermentation and to maximize the sufficient coloring matter of the skin of the raïm.

In the sensory analysis, it has a reddish color with violet reflections. The aromatic intensity is persistent. In the mouth it is manifested in a very pleasant way.

It goes well with all kinds of meats and spicy dishes.

Production is limited and is presented in numbered bottles.

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