A great wine must be capable of conveying emotions

A g r e a t w i n e m u s t b e c a p a b l e o f c o n v e y i n g e m o t i o n s


Arnau Galmes i Ferrer (25-07-69) is winemaker of the Galmés i Ferrer winery in Petra. Together with Mateu Estelrich he forms the company Vinyes i Vins del Pla. He works at Franja Roja in Binissalem and is a consultant at other wineries in Alaró and Pollenca. His passion for a job well done and many hours of dedication have been rewarded. Recently his wine Es Pujol de Maria has been recognized with the gold medal in the prestigious international competition MUNDUSvini in Germany.

-A few years ago the farmers were paid to pull up the vines, now there is a boom of cellars and winemakers. What has changed to reach this situation?

-It is a sector that is in fashion and Mallorca is the privileged place to produce a wine of the highest quality capable of being on the best wine lists in the world.

-Is a good winemaker born or made?

-A good winemaker, like a good professional, is born, but above all he or she is made, training and experience are the foundations.

-Does Mallorca have a wine culture?

-There is a palpable interest in acquiring knowledge about wine and there is an increasing demand for enological training and wine tasting.

-Do you prefer the care of the vineyard throughout the year or the moment of choosing the varieties to make the wine?

-The elaboration of a high quality wine requires control throughout the year, being especially important the one carried out during the vegetative cycle of the plant since we condition the composition of the fruit, regardless of the variety involved.

-What makes a wine worthy of a gold medal in one of the most prestigious international competitions?

-A great wine must be capable of transmitting emotions, of discovering sensations and must have the ability to make us travel in space and time.

-Are you committed to a Mallorca appellation of origin?

-Mallorca is a grain of sand in the world, with many contrasts, from the Pla to the Serra, even so it is clear that Mallorca has the value and prestige of the brand that must be sold, everything else is a waste of time.

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